Creating a new Rust project with Cargo

First, we'll demonstrate creating a new "Hello, world!" project with kos-cargo. This will follow the cargo-hello example included in the Rust-for-Dreamcast repo.

In a directory of your choosing, let's invoke kos-cargo to create a new project and then enter the directory:

kos-cargo new hello
cd hello

Let's add our kos-rs crate to gain access to current KallistiOS bindings. Open Cargo.toml in your text editor and add:

kos = { package = "kos-rs", git = "" }

Now we can open up src/ and write our "Hello, world!" example code:

fn main() {
    println!("Hello, world from Rust!");

Now we can use kos-cargo build to build our project. If all goes well, there will be a target/sh-elf/debug/hello.elf file that can be sent to the Dreamcast with dc-tool. If you have KOS_LOADER set in the file, you can invoke it directly with kos-cargo run.